Thursday, December 3, 2015


 We've all wondered about premonitions. I know you've had at least one of these. How did you explain it? Like most people, you probably didn't have what is known as a 'rational' explanation; which may have led you to believe you must be a little 'irrational'. Does that mean you're crazy? You wondered. I don't think so. I believe that to explore this premonition thing, we have to go beyond the physical and the obvious, and what we understand to be 'possible'.

Remember the time you were thinking of someone - perhaps it was someone you hadn't seen in ages, and guess what! The phone rings and it's him. Or her. Your first words might be, "I was just thinking of you!" Or, "We're on the same wavelength, I was just thinking of you!"  Or, as I have said many times, "You must be psychic! I was just thinking of you!" Often, it's someone you haven't seen or thought of in ages. It's not possible!

So, you explore all the possibilities of why that might have happened, and when you can't think of any earthbound explanation like, "I heard your name the other day, and I was wondering how you are." or "Someone mentioned your husband yesterday ..."  When none of this applies, and the only thing you know is that you thought of this person out of the blue, for no reason, right before the phone rang- you have to wonder, What was that about? And even if you had been thinking about that person because you'd heard the name mentioned yesterday or the day before, it still doesn't explain why that person thought of you and called you - right at the time you were thinking about him. When there's no physical explanation, we have to wonder, that whatever 'psychic' means, we might all be a little psychic.

 I believe that we have more than the five physical senses we are taught about on the first day of biology class. There is a sixth sense that is just as strong, and when cultivated, it's ten times more accurate. Some call it Intuition, or Second Sight. It is not physical, it is beyond the physical. Is it your mind playing tricks on you? No. You know of nothing that initiated this phone call, nothing that was conscious or subconscious ... which is the mind's domain, perhaps. Then, to my way of thinking, it must be the Spirit part of Body, Mind and Spirit.

It's not such a far fetched idea. A majority, if not all religions, folk lore and philosophies teach that we have a spirit. I believe that we are primarily spirit, living on earth in an earthly body to help us get around on this earthly plane.

So, it occurs to me that sometimes this spirit, yours or mine, may get tired of being ignored and does something to shake things up. Like that phone call. Spirits get around, you know. Without your knowledge, they may leave the earthbound vehicle they travel in, (you) and flit over to a friend's spirit and say something like, "Ginny would love to hear from you - give her a call." And flit back in! You may even have felt a little off-base or scattered while the spirit part of you was gone - but you never even knew it was out calling on friends and setting things up. Or observing a situation, or any number of excursions. Like the premonition I had when both my older kids were in a car accident. They were in America, I was in Singapore.

My mother remembers an especially strong premonition her mother (my grandmother) had one day. They were out shopping in the city, standing on the sidewalk waiting for the lights to change so they could cross the road. Cars were zipping by, (loud, 1940's exhaust spewing motor cars, I'm sure) and right at the time the red light changed to green, my mother stepped into the street, only to be grabbed back by my Grandmother who was yelling,"Don't go!" In the next moment, a high-tension cable from one of the overhead tram lines snapped and fell to the ground right where they would have been standing. My grandmother didn't see it happening. She wasn't looking up. The noise of the city would have covered up any snapping sound - and who would have known it was a cable snapping even if they had heard it? It was a premonition.

A teenage boy, on his his way home from football practice suddenly says, for no reason at all, "I don't think I'm going to live to be very old." Disconcerted, his mom says, "What makes you think that?" and he answers, "I just can't see myself at the age of forty or fifty . . ." And he was right.

You can think of lots more instances of premonition. I'd love to hear your thoughts and your stories that go beyond the realm of known possibility :)

All I have left to say, is pay attention to those tweaks from the spirit that is you. They know so much more than our limited minds and brains do. And you can ask your spirit, intuition or sixth sense, anything, and get an answer.  Isn't it wonderful to know that we have such a resource?
See you soon!


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